Responsive jquery youtube playlist player

A very simple way to show a youtube playlist with jquery and fully responsive player. You can choose the following playlists. A regulair playlist (the default), user_uploads (channel), or make a list with search keywords. Works on a Iphone.

Just add a very small js ,css file and an empty div with an ID or class to your template and fill in a few variables in the $(document).ready(function() and youre done.

For a demo visit this page and resize your browser. You will see the responsive effect.

Klik hier om de video af te spelen

jQuery responsive youtube auto playlist player for Wordpress

A very simple way to show a youtube playlist with jquery and fully responsive player for Wordpress. You can choose the following playlists. A regulair playlist (the default), user_uploads (channel), make a list with search keywords or make your own custom list all with the use of shortcodes

DEMO Wordpress

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