How to use youtube as an SEO tool

In this article I will show you how you can use youtube as an SEO tool for your website.

First prepare your channel ( as an example we call this channel 'MyCompany' and our business is webdesign ).
Now prepare some video's about webdesign and your company and upload them to your channel.
The important part now is to give your video's a proper name and description so you can fetch them later.
In this example we give the first video the following title 'webdesign MyCompany about'
The second on 'webdesign MyCompany our portfolio' and so on.
Also give some good descriptions and use the words 'webdesign portfolio' again.

Now add some labels.
You will notice (wait a few hours) that when you do a search on youtube with the keywords 'webdesign MyCompany' only your video's will displayed.
If the results has more then only your video's adjust your title with another unique name (for example your town's name)
Now the fun part is buying my youtube SEO tool or some similair software and use the search option.
The results will be printed in your website and now you will have some valuable content to help your website for a higher ranking.

I use this for myself and prepared some tutorial video's for my cfcmsmini cms.

Here the youtube results

I hope this article helps you to improve your own website.

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