YouTube Playlist SEO php class

Allows you to turn an unordered list of YouTube links into a video playlist. The php script makes the youtube list on a fly and uses the latest Gdata Api v3. You can choose to make a video playlist with keywords, userchannel or a regular youtube playlist. There are many options which can be set in the php script

Wordpress version also available !

Key Features:

  • Easy to adapt in any existing homepage
  • All colors can be set in plain css
  • OOP based
  • SEO (search engine optimization) optimized. The biggest advantage over other full javascript or flash solutions is that the tiltles and descriptions from the video's are placed into the source of the page so it can be retrieved by the search engines
  • All scripts are well documented
  • Checks if youtube video can be embedded
  • Works in all major browsers

You will need an API key since this app uses the V3 API. Check the video how!

Klik hier om de video af te spelen

On the demo there are some settings described.

You can buy this script at codecanyon here for only 8

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